BCM Update: July 2015

The Nicholls BCM had the most amazing mission trip to San Francisco! Our action packed week was filled with handing out care packages to students at San Francisco State and City college and engaging them in spiritual conversations, played pick-up sports games, hosted coffee breaks on campus and at local businesses, prayer walked, did neighborhood clean-up and evangelism door to door as well as in hippie hills (Haight Ashbury District). Students were pushed out of their comfort circle, but met the challenge with impressive boldness! One student on the trip remarked that 15 times she was rejected, but it was all worth it when one man who did not know Christ thanked her for her testimony and said that it gave him hope! Students met some hostility. One individual even responded with curse words directed towards our students and our God when he was july2asked by one of our students at City College if he could prayer for him. What was impressive is that he did not give up, but continued to engage others. He said that he had never spoke so boldly in his life and that when he got home to his friends and family he wanted to continue to be bold because he realized he could! He also asked the BCM director if he could be discipled in the fall. Every student shared an experience during the trip where they knew God had used them. One student shared with a girl at San Francisco State about how she was on a mission trip and helping to start a new church, Interface, in the area.   The other student replied “I have just been a Christian one year and had a church back home, but have not had one while I am in school.” God used her! A professor at the university shared how in her country, Germany, church was like a museum to go and observe, but after speaking with the Nicholl’s person found that what was in the Bible was truly helpful and encouraging. She was so interested in spiritual things that she asked to set up meetings with someone from Interface church to learn more and she wanted to get a Bible because she thought it could help her life. We are praying for Professor Anne’s salvation soon! The mission trip was great, but what made it a real success is that the 12 Nicholl’s students who went shared that they did not see any reason why they could not be as bold and intentional on their own campus when they returned!

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