Fifty Phi-Mu’s came to the BCM to be served a home-cooked meal by our leaders! We had such a great time with them! The goal of serving the dinners is to form new friendship and set up Gospel Appointments. At a past dinner we met a student, had a Gospel Appointment and got to see God work in his life! He wrote, “As many of you know, this is my last semester at Nicholls. Being such, I thought I had things pretty much figured out. But my life has taken a turn and I’ve been making changes for the better. Thanks to meeting Conan (and Zach and Matt), I’ve turned my life over to Christ and have been working towards accepting the challenge of being a better person and Christian.” As this student grew in his relationship with Christ he was given the challenge to think of who he could share with about his life changing decision. This month he brought a friend to the BCM and now she has committed to become a Christ follower and has begun to read the Bible! The goal now is to get both of these students matched up into a discipleship relationship, to see them grow in their new found faith. The need for discipleship to accompany evangelism is a core tenant of the BCM’s philosophy. God has blessed us so much to see this tenant played out many times this semester. I pray that more opportunities will come to pass!  Churches, we would be grateful if you would please pray with us for God’s mercy and power to continue to be poured out on Nicholls campus and pray that the new believers would grow up to maturity.

It was great to end the semester seeing students care about God’s love and gospel going out! The Freshmen Family Groups worked together to fill and send shoeboxes to be sent a with Samaritan’s Purse around the world. Students also continued to share their faith on campus by telling their story. One of the Nicholl’s soccer players got to share her story with her team mates nov2at a BCM group dinner and three of them were moved to want to build a relationship with the Lord as well! We are so excited about the way God is moving in student’s lives at Nicholl’s and are filled with Praise and Thanksgiving this holiday season. Please pray as many new Christians return to their hometowns for the break that they would not give into temptation, but would continue to grow in their faith.

“I could do that.” We love to hear that statement from the students that we disciple. One of the most fulfilling aspects of being a college minister at Nicholls is getting to help students learn how to walk with the Lord and become fruit-bearers. After having a quiet time with one student in our ministry and showing her how to meditate on a passage shebcmaug2 exclaimed “Thank you so much for teaching me that. I just tried to google how to read my Bible last week!” Several leaders in the BCM that are being discipled have now caught the vision of multiplying disciples and through that multiplying laborers on campus. These young students have now begun to make disciples themselves of underclassmen. My heart cheers inside when I drive onto campus
and see an upperclassmen headed down the street with underclassmen to go share their faith in the quad! We ask that you would pray as the new semester begins soon, that God would knit the heart of our upperclassmen to some of the new freshmen and that they would be able to help these new students to know and follow Jesus! Welcome Week is August 15th-21st and the BCM will be hosting several events to connect with new students. Please pray for the Lord’s hand to be on all of the preparations, events, and especially at work in the lives of the students. Thank you!

Praise God! Around 200 students came to BCM Welcome Week events and 80 attended the first Worship and Bible Study of the semester! We have seen God bear fruit in amazing ways already in the first 2 weeks back in class! Our desire is to share the gospel with every student that comes to the BCM. Several students have prayed to rededicate their lives to Christ or for Christ to forgive their sins for the first time! One student was standing outside the BCM when he saw lightening split a tree in half on campus, out of fear he ran into the building for safety from the weather. It seems that God had a plan for bringing him into the BCM that day! He met Conan and some new friends, a few days later they had the opportunity to share the gospel with him and now he has a relationship with the one who takes away all our fears!

Fletcher BCM had is first-ever gathering! We had a great group with many students who are unfamiliar with church and eager to learn more about Jesus. Two of the girls that came to our launch work at Great American Cookie Company. They were eager to bring a cake to one of our future meetings and showed me options with Rosaries, Menorahs and other religious symbols.   Their enthusiasmbbaaug2 for the group was very sweet, but I could tell from our humorous cake discussion that exciting opportunities to share about one way to salvation, Jesus Christ, lay ahead!

Thank you to our church partners! We ask you to please pray in the upcoming weeks the Lord would continue make students’ hearts open to the gospel and draw them into committed relationships with Him. Pray that temptations and cares of this world would not keep the seeds that were sowed from growing. Lastly, would you please pray that we would be obedient to the Lord and bring honor to him in all our words, actions, and attitudes.

The Nicholls BCM had the most amazing mission trip to San Francisco! Our action packed week was filled with handing out care packages to students at San Francisco State and City college and engaging them in spiritual conversations, played pick-up sports games, hosted coffee breaks on campus and at local businesses, prayer walked, did neighborhood clean-up and evangelism door to door as well as in hippie hills (Haight Ashbury District). Students were pushed out of their comfort circle, but met the challenge with impressive boldness! One student on the trip remarked that 15 times she was rejected, but it was all worth it when one man who did not know Christ thanked her for her testimony and said that it gave him hope! Students met some hostility. One individual even responded with curse words directed towards our students and our God when he was july2asked by one of our students at City College if he could prayer for him. What was impressive is that he did not give up, but continued to engage others. He said that he had never spoke so boldly in his life and that when he got home to his friends and family he wanted to continue to be bold because he realized he could! He also asked the BCM director if he could be discipled in the fall. Every student shared an experience during the trip where they knew God had used them. One student shared with a girl at San Francisco State about how she was on a mission trip and helping to start a new church, Interface, in the area.   The other student replied “I have just been a Christian one year and had a church back home, but have not had one while I am in school.” God used her! A professor at the university shared how in her country, Germany, church was like a museum to go and observe, but after speaking with the Nicholl’s person found that what was in the Bible was truly helpful and encouraging. She was so interested in spiritual things that she asked to set up meetings with someone from Interface church to learn more and she wanted to get a Bible because she thought it could help her life. We are praying for Professor Anne’s salvation soon! The mission trip was great, but what made it a real success is that the 12 Nicholl’s students who went shared that they did not see any reason why they could not be as bold and intentional on their own campus when they returned!

Thirty-five baseball players and fifteen GAS members were guest of honor at the BCM last month. It is such a delight to have different groups from campus over for a home cooked meal!   The BCM leaders did a great job of serving and connecting with students that were ijune2n the BCM doors for the first time.   Joel Fussel, the Chairperson for Merge and Agape, shared with the baseball players about the satisfaction he found in his relationship with Christ. Dajanea Monea shared with GSA how before Christ she needed attention, but found all the love that she was desiring when she gave her life to Jesus. Because of the dinner, we were able to meet some baseball players interested in growing in Christ! Next semester we will have a Bible study group just for baseball players. Members from GSA have come back to other events at the BCM! We know that some of these
students are just short steps away from accepting Christ as their Savior.

One thousand, two hundred and ninety dollars is how much money was given by Nicholl’s BCM students to support missions at the First Annual Beard Auction! God is doing a work in our collegiate students and they are burning with passion for nations to know and glorify God! This month on April 20th around 40 students gathered to see their peers sacrifice their beloved locks and beards. Bethany Rodrigue auctioned off more than a foot of her hair so it could be given to Pantene and made into a wig to be given free of charge to cancer patients. Donavan Hoffpauir signature look is his long curly locks, he never planned to part with them, but when he heard the money would go to send students out to share the gospel he was ready to be counted in! A professor, the BCM Director and several other students went under the scissors for the cause!   This was the kick-off to Missions Week. Other highlights were bringing care packages to those in the hospital, delivering treats to professors on campus, and volunteering at the New Orleans Mission. This summer the BCM is sending a group of 15 students to do church planting in one of the NAMB focus cities, San Francisco, one student is going to Bangledash to work with orphan girls, and two students will work at summer camps. We ask you to pray for these students and that more will answer the call!

