BCM August 2015 Update

“I could do that.” We love to hear that statement from the students that we disciple. One of the most fulfilling aspects of being a college minister at Nicholls is getting to help students learn how to walk with the Lord and become fruit-bearers. After having a quiet time with one student in our ministry and showing her how to meditate on a passage shebcmaug2 exclaimed “Thank you so much for teaching me that. I just tried to google how to read my Bible last week!” Several leaders in the BCM that are being discipled have now caught the vision of multiplying disciples and through that multiplying laborers on campus. These young students have now begun to make disciples themselves of underclassmen. My heart cheers inside when I drive onto campus
and see an upperclassmen headed down the street with underclassmen to go share their faith in the quad! We ask that you would pray as the new semester begins soon, that God would knit the heart of our upperclassmen to some of the new freshmen and that they would be able to help these new students to know and follow Jesus! Welcome Week is August 15th-21st and the BCM will be hosting several events to connect with new students. Please pray for the Lord’s hand to be on all of the preparations, events, and especially at work in the lives of the students. Thank you!

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