Bayou Baptist Association: October 2015

Fifty Phi-Mu’s came to the BCM to be served a home-cooked meal by our leaders! We had such a great time with them! The goal of serving the dinners is to form new friendship and set up Gospel Appointments. At a past dinner we met a student, had a Gospel Appointment and got to see God work in his life! He wrote, “As many of you know, this is my last semester at Nicholls. Being such, I thought I had things pretty much figured out. But my life has taken a turn and I’ve been making changes for the better. Thanks to meeting Conan (and Zach and Matt), I’ve turned my life over to Christ and have been working towards accepting the challenge of being a better person and Christian.” As this student grew in his relationship with Christ he was given the challenge to think of who he could share with about his life changing decision. This month he brought a friend to the BCM and now she has committed to become a Christ follower and has begun to read the Bible! The goal now is to get both of these students matched up into a discipleship relationship, to see them grow in their new found faith. The need for discipleship to accompany evangelism is a core tenant of the BCM’s philosophy. God has blessed us so much to see this tenant played out many times this semester. I pray that more opportunities will come to pass!  Churches, we would be grateful if you would please pray with us for God’s mercy and power to continue to be poured out on Nicholls campus and pray that the new believers would grow up to maturity.

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