Bayou Baptist Association: August 2015Update

Praise God! Around 200 students came to BCM Welcome Week events and 80 attended the first Worship and Bible Study of the semester! We have seen God bear fruit in amazing ways already in the first 2 weeks back in class! Our desire is to share the gospel with every student that comes to the BCM. Several students have prayed to rededicate their lives to Christ or for Christ to forgive their sins for the first time! One student was standing outside the BCM when he saw lightening split a tree in half on campus, out of fear he ran into the building for safety from the weather. It seems that God had a plan for bringing him into the BCM that day! He met Conan and some new friends, a few days later they had the opportunity to share the gospel with him and now he has a relationship with the one who takes away all our fears!

Fletcher BCM had is first-ever gathering! We had a great group with many students who are unfamiliar with church and eager to learn more about Jesus. Two of the girls that came to our launch work at Great American Cookie Company. They were eager to bring a cake to one of our future meetings and showed me options with Rosaries, Menorahs and other religious symbols.   Their enthusiasmbbaaug2 for the group was very sweet, but I could tell from our humorous cake discussion that exciting opportunities to share about one way to salvation, Jesus Christ, lay ahead!

Thank you to our church partners! We ask you to please pray in the upcoming weeks the Lord would continue make students’ hearts open to the gospel and draw them into committed relationships with Him. Pray that temptations and cares of this world would not keep the seeds that were sowed from growing. Lastly, would you please pray that we would be obedient to the Lord and bring honor to him in all our words, actions, and attitudes.

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