BCM Update: April 2015

One thousand, two hundred and ninety dollars is how much money was given by Nicholl’s BCM students to support missions at the First Annual Beard Auction! God is doing a work in our collegiate students and they are burning with passion for nations to know and glorify God! This month on April 20th around 40 students gathered to see their peers sacrifice their beloved locks and beards. Bethany Rodrigue auctioned off more than a foot of her hair so it could be given to Pantene and made into a wig to be given free of charge to cancer patients. Donavan Hoffpauir signature look is his long curly locks, he never planned to part with them, but when he heard the money would go to send students out to share the gospel he was ready to be counted in! A professor, the BCM Director and several other students went under the scissors for the cause!   This was the kick-off to Missions Week. Other highlights were bringing care packages to those in the hospital, delivering treats to professors on campus, and volunteering at the New Orleans Mission. This summer the BCM is sending a group of 15 students to do church planting in one of the NAMB focus cities, San Francisco, one student is going to Bangledash to work with orphan girls, and two students will work at summer camps. We ask you to pray for these students and that more will answer the call!



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